I’ve been fed the wrong pill by society that we are supposed to plan and execute everything in life. I used to plan ahead and, when the plans feel like they won’t work out, I get anxious. when the plans don’t work out I get frustrated.
I adopted a few principles that I have been following some the last 2-3 years that I feel open door to peaceful days
- Visualize the future and trace it back to the present. Write it down and forget about the future.
- Immerse into the present and focus on the present.
- Don’t stick to the plan. stick to the direction.
- Do everything that can be spontaneously done if you think they are in the direction. They don’t have to be in the plan
- When you are operating spontaneously for the first time, Identify and separate the danger alerts and the feature your instincts give
- Think through the danger alerts and suppress the feature mindfully
- This spontaneity in the direction of the future has worked out miracles for me.
- Miracles are not planned. Be open to Miracles. Be open to Serendipity