Back in 2021, I got some time to hack and experiment with my diet routine. I was 76kg (mostly skinny fat) and I hadn't done any sports/phycical activities for nearly 3+ years (maybe I would have done once or twice). I started reading a lot about weight control on the internet - It was honestly very confusing. I just didn't know what to follow
Experiment 1 - 2021 June - July
One statement that caught my attention while browsing the internet was, "The key to weight management is balancing your calorie intake with your calorie expenditure.”
I took this sentence and I tried to write it down like this
Weight Gain / Loss = Calorie Gain - Calorie Burn
There are only two things in this equation
So, I made a plan to follow for a month without daily tracking, simply relying on routine.
- Let me half my food intake
- I took all three meals - But I halved it (Actually 1/3 of it for most of the time)
- 7-Minute HIT Workout 2-3 x day
- 15 minutes of running
- 30 minutes cycling
- When I measured my weight at the end of the 30 days I was 64Kg
- In hindsight - 10kg in 30 days is not sustainable and a bad way to loose weight
- I felt super malnourished. In hindsight, I didn't have enough micronutrients
- I felt hungry throughout the day. Especially right after my super tiny meals
I felt accomplished since I felt like i could control my weight loss if I had to next time
I wanted then understand if the same formulae could help with weight gain
Experiment 2
I added one more stack to my lifestyle - Gym 3 times a week (1.5 hours). I started eating a lot. Especially my breakfast.
for the next 60 days here’s my breakfast
- 500ml Milk
- Milo/Chocolate powder/Coffee
- Chia Seed/Flax Seed
- Banana/Papaya/Strawberry
- Dates x 4-8
- Cheese with biscuits
- 2 Sandwhichs
- cheese
- tomatos
- salad
- almonds
- dates
- More veggies
- Toward the 6th week of the experiment, I weighed 72kgs with no skinny fats - Just healthy muscles
- Towards the end of the 8th week. I felt stronger, but at the same time, i stated seeing fat slowly building
- My overall strength got improved
- 1st week - I had trouble bench pressing 20lbs -| 8th week → I could do 120lbs
Experiment 3
I wanted to see what happens If I had a relaxing diet plan
- Nothing actually changed much
- Since my appetite had gotten bigger, with less workouts, I started getting a little fat (At least I felt. The scale did not show any difference)
Experiment 4
It’s time for another experiment. 22-Hour Fast 2-Hour Feast. I would say this probably was one of the periods in my diet experiments. The idea is to eat one huge meal and then fast the rest of the day
The initial week was actually tough. I felt like I was starting Experiment 1. Once my body got used to the pattern, things became easier and even more. Better.
- I took my feasting hours at dinnertime
- One amazing thing happened.
- I started looking forward to the meals I previously took for granted.
- I enjoyed each meal
- I would drink lots of water and black coffee or green tea
- I read that anything below 30cl will not break your fast
- I kept going to the gym
- 1 Week was terrible - I continuously dropped in strength
- 2nd week - Started to gradually push more
- 4th week - I was able to lift the same weight I was lifting before
- This w# as amazing to my
- I was more active throughout the day and I was sleep better at night
- lot of time saved - 2 meal times + 2 meal preparation time + 2 less thing to think about during the day
- I weighed 67kg at the end of the period
Cool down period
- I was naturally skipping meals. However, I was not able to dedicate good meals. I took started taking multi-vitamins if I felt like I didn't have a healthy meals for continuously 2-3 days
Experiment 5
Protein Supplements + 2 meals
- I was not gaining weight at the same speed of Experiment 2
- I was able to lift more weight - 140lbs during this period
- I took multivitamins time to time
Cooldown period - No Strict Diets
No strict diets, mostly 2 meals along with snacks
Current Routine
I started traveling a lot lately and sticking to a diet plan is hard. I try my best to drink 400-500ml of milk and have 2 meals. I take multivitamins now and then If I feel that I didn't have a mixed meal over the last few days.
I also took a full body checkup recently - blood, urine, stool, heart, kidney, lungs, and bones - All reports indicate that I look healthy and I haven't screwed anything up with my experiments
- I got diagnosed with low Vitamin D and was asked to take Vitamin D tablets
- This I believe is because I got myself stuck in a room getting my work sorted out for the last 2-3 months after my last travel
- My bone density is actually normal (but near normal). I will be keeping my eye on taking enough vitamin D and calcium hereafter.
- I am a Vegetarian (No eggs | No sea food | I drink milk)
- I replaced sugar with honey a long time back
- I don’t usually drink a lot of soft drinks
- I drink alcohol (quantity varies from time to time)
- I don’t smoke nicotine
Feb 20 / 2023
Starting Weight - 67.90Kg
I started a new routine
- Intermittent Fasting - 6 Hour Feast | 18 Hour Fast
- Feasting Window - 11am to 5pm
- Daily 2 sets of 7 Minute Hit Workout
- 8000 Steps a day
- Occasional Cycling / Rope Skipping / Hiking
I got a Mi 7 Band, which I will be using to track my activities, and a weight scale which I will be logging weekly weight measurements
Expected Time for this routine - 12 weeks
Expected Goal - Loose love handles
Expected Weight Goal - 62Kg (6Kg Weight Lose)
- If I Maintain 3500 calories deficit a week, I potentially could loose 0.5kg a week
- 0.5 x 12 = 6kg
Wish me luck!