5 YEARS. It's been 5 years since I started working with startups and on startups. So far, so many wrong judgments have ended up being the right decisions. When I reflect on the good side of the 5 years, I can always connect them back to a wrong judgment which I thought was absolutely correct
My first wrong judgment 👇
I really thought I could build a fairly big software product (with no experience in software development) in under 2 months and go to market
Reality 🍭
The software product nearly took 1 year. At the end of the year, I was not even satisfied( Now I realize that I was in a rabbit hole of product iterations.).
One of the main motivations for me to go down the path of building software was → "it would just take 2 months". I was naturally a sprinter; Not a marathon runner. If I knew I had to spend 12 months, I wouldn't have chosen it in the first place!
Reflection 🤔
5 years later, I have learned a lot about the software industry and have built a passion for products. I software services company that I co-founded on an almost impulsive decision has now grown to be a 45+ man team after ups and downs. The software product that I built is still used by users that lead me to the realization of how SAAS should be built.
I can stack up a list of wrong judgments that turned out to be right decisions throughout these 5 years.
It might sound crazy that I am connecting a silly noob judgment to where I am now. I consider this as a reminder for me for the following reason